Ep 60 - The Podcast Is Saying Goodbye for Now


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In the world of podcasting, goodbyes are never easy, but sometimes, they're necessary. Today, we gather to mark the end of an era, as we bid farewell to our beloved podcast – at least for now. The 60th episode is a bittersweet milestone, signaling an indefinite hiatus, while we embark on a journey of change and growth behind the scenes. As we navigate this transition, we reflect on the incredible moments and lessons we've shared throughout this podcasting adventure. Join us in celebrating this chapter's end and the promise of new beginnings, as we take you on a heartfelt journey in this final episode of The Tidy Revival Podcast.

You can listen right here, on Apple, Amazon, Spotify or you can read the transcription below. Enjoy!


Hello friend,

Today is going to be a bittersweet episode, and I’ll cut out the suspense - this is the final episode of the podcast. Maybe not forever, but I’m taking an indefinite hiatus.

If you’re saying “What? WHY!!!” the short answer is that we have some big changes happening behind the scenes, and have decided to cut the podcast from our lineup. 

That being said, the blog will still be going, and there are still topics I’m excited to explore, and interviews I’m excited to bring you, it just won’t be at the same cadence of pumping out new material and will be on the blog vs. podcast. I’ll also be taking time to do more editing on our existing blog posts, which will help with things like SEO - not the most exciting stuff but is important to my site in reaching more folks.

There’s a chance that I may decide in the future to do more podcast episodes, it’s not out of the question, but as you may or may not know, there’s a fair amount of work behind the scenes when it comes to script writing, recording, editing and posting our podcasts, and we’re in a period where we’re reevaluating things on the backend, not just on the podcast.

If you follow us on social or subscribe to our newsletter - there will be more to come on that in the coming weeks.

At this moment, I’m choosing to focus on a few things. The biggest thing is that just because you love doing something doesn’t mean that you need to continue doing it forever. This is our 60th episode of the podcast! I’m looking back on everything that we’ve done here with so much pride and gratitude because we’ve covered topics that have been really important, interesting, and fun to dive deep into. 

Over the last year+, I’ve received messages from folks about how they related to an episode, were able to pass episodes along to a loved one, learned something new, or found inspiration, and that means the WORLD to me! 

I appreciate you at home. I appreciate you listening to the podcast, I appreciate you commenting, sharing and just being here.

I’m also thankful because this podcast has allowed me to share more of myself in a very raw and vulnerable way than I ever had before, and you’ve shown me so much support and love along the way. I keep waiting for haters to pop out of the woodwork, after I get on a soapbox, after I guest on other podcasts after I say something that might be an unpopular opinion, after I came out on my channels as bi, kept sharing more of myself, and had my dog Gimli snoring in the background of most episodes - I have had nothing but support, kindness and encouragement sent my way - I am deeply grateful.

I want to take a moment to say a BIG HUGE GIGANTIC thank you to Brittany McLean. She’s our Content Manager here at Tidy Revival and has been the podcast editor from its inception. Fun story (I think we might have shared it on her episode) but I decided to do a podcast between when we had her interview scheduled and it happened, so I threw her a curve ball during her interview and the position she ended up filling here at Tidy Revival was different than what she applied for (more of a general admin). Working with Brittany is one of the best working relationships I’ve EVER HAD, and despite being two states away we’ve had awesome communication. She represents Tidy Revival in the podcast editing, and in our social media presence (95% of all the posts we’ve done in the last year and a half are hers / I haven’t touched). She also handles a TON behind the scenes for The Club and the content in there, and she’s just THE BEST colleague - so thank you for all you do Brittany - biggest kudos ever.

The last thing I’ll mention before I let you go for today is to remember that the only constant is change. That goes for anything, but I’ll bring it back to home organization in my final thought. You can always switch things up and that’s fine. Our life will bring new chapters and new challenges, and that’s how we learn and grow. Along the way, we’ll need to change how we do things to accommodate. 

And it’s OK to make space for new chapters in your life. 

So with that, for now, this is goodbye. I’ll see you on the blog, and my DMs are always open.

Sending you big hugs and I’m signing off with a heart full of gratitude.

and until next time, remember that…


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